
Hostplus and
Maritime Super
have merged

Fremantle Harbour Sunset Plus icon yellow

We’re pleased to announce Hostplus and Maritime Super successfully merged on 1 September 2023.

We welcome Maritime Super’s members and employers into the Hostplus family. By merging with Maritime Super, Hostplus has become one of Australia's largest super funds, managing over $100 billion in assets for more than 1.7 million members, and over 300,000 contributing employers.

We have put together this web page to help guide our Maritime Super members and employers through some of the key changes that might affect you during this transition.

  1. For members
    • For members
    • For employers


We understand you may have questions following the merger. We’ve gathered some important information below to help you get the most out of your superannuation arrangements.

From our low admin fee1 to our wide range2 of investment choices – including a socially responsible option – we’re striving to provide you with the future you deserve. 

That’s a plus. (In fact, it’s a whole lot of them.) 


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2 September 2023

You are now a Hostplus member

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12 September 2023

You can now access your account via Hostplus Member Online

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28 September 2023

Hostplus will commence sending welcome packs

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30 September 2023

Maritime Super will send you an Exit Statement

Your guide
to this page

Here, you’ll find a range of important notices, FAQs and resources to ensure you have everything you need to get started. This page will help you register for your Hostplus online account, let you know of any actions you may need to consider, and how to get in touch with us. 

Accessing your account online

Following your account transfer to Hostplus you can now easily access your account online, anywhere, anytime. To get started, you’ll need to register and set up a new password at You’ll need your member number, which has carried over from your Maritime Super account with no change.   

Through Member Online or Pension Online you can check your balance, switch investment strategies or review and update your details with ease.   

Hostplus App

Once you’ve registered your account through Member Online, stay connected by downloading the Hostplus app. Through the app you can easily manage your account, track your investments, and make updates to your personal details.  

View more information about the Hostplus app and how to get started here.  
Members who have transferred from Maritime Super with a defined benefit product may not be able to access the Hostplus app. However, you can still make changes to your investment choice, update beneficiaries, confirm insurance cover, and update personal details through Member Online
If you need help getting connected, contact us on 1800 757 607, online, or via our live chat function and we’ll be happy to assist. 

Information for Pension members

Your pension account(s) have been transferred to Hostplus. In July 2023, you'd have received detailed information regarding pension arrangements in the Significant Event Notice specific to your pension product, sent by Maritime Super. You can find all categories of Significant Event Notices here.  

Hostplus pensions will continue to be paid as they were at Maritime Super:  

  • Monthly payments will be made on the 15th of each month.
  • Quarterly payments will be based on your previous arrangement with Maritime Super and will be paid in the middle of the month.


Pension payments will be deposited directly into your bank account. Please be aware that payments cannot be made by cheque.

Information on your insurance

Members should check the relevant Maritime PDS (Product Disclosure Statement) for more information on your insurance arrangements.


1. Other fees and costs apply. Refer to the PDS for more information.  

2. Contributory Accumulation members who have a Protected Minimum Benefit have a restricted range of investment options due to the defined benefit component of their benefit. Please refer to the Contributory Accumulation Member Guide for more information. Members in Permanent Defined Benefit, SVITZER Defined Benefit or Trident Defined Benefit do not have investment choice for their defined benefit component.

We’re here to help.

If you have any questions or would like assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 1800 757 607, via live chat, or via an online enquiry.